Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Philly Preview

Small Oval Bottle

Three Fulgutite Pots/ PMA Craft Show Prieview...

Three Fulgurite Pots

The Craft Show

with the coming of the colors, I know November is just around the corner...
in lucky years, so few and far in-between in the past decade plus,
I am accepted into the Philadelphia  Craft Show
and am given the opportunity to make a living, see old collectors, meet new ones
and see many folks from my time living in southeastern PA...
I've had many, many excellent shows there and it remains the place of my most grand successes...
this year I was accepted with both wood fired work and the new earthenware pots...
the physicality of wood firing and 41 years of hauling very heavy pots and booths
around, finally took their toll on my body a year and a half or so ago...
abdominal hematomas, back problems and hernia surgery
and a too long recovery of my own making,
created by trying to "get back to work" before the time my surgeon advised...
re-injuring myself again and then again...left me facing some new realities...I am Polish remember...
 the earthenware emerged as a hedge against the heavy work of the wood kiln
and it's tendency to re-aggravate the old bones... it is easier in every way possible!
what I didn't expect was to become captivated by the possibilities of surface
and color with the earthenware
I am discovering surface qualities I never thought possible and find myself
extremely excited with the results I am achieving...
so I will be bringing earthenware to the PMA Craft Show....
how can that be? but you? and etc... yes folks, for now I am escaping the hegemony of wood firing...
for those expecting to see the wood fired work I have placed a long series of images here
of pieces available in my gallery... you can access them on your computer or by phone
at robsieminski.com...
page through and we can discuss them in the booth if you wish...
or you can contact me by email or phone to do the same if interested...
go to the date of October15th, 2017 and scroll down from there...
click on older posts at the bottom right to continue...
you will see an excellent array of available pieces...
 as for the show, I will be posting previews of pieces coming along with me,  here now
and until the firings end... please give them a look, take some time and know that that famous inquiry
of "Rob, do you have any new work?" will be obvious and unnecessary...

now for postings of available earthenware from the past year...
I hope you might find these new pieces as interesting as I do and share in my excitement about them...  change is change...many thanks...