Saturday, August 9, 2014

White/Iron Shino Bowl

a nice bowl from the exotic group of cups/bowls
white over iron Shino over Tenmoku

The August Flowers

it's August and people are coming to the gallery regularly...
the flowers are booming everywhere!
no "lawyers, guns and money" can stop that...
yesterday a couple came up the drive while I was on the phone...
I signaled I'd be right with them...
they said,  "if it's ok, we only came to look at the flower beds"...
I smiled, a little confused and said " sure, that's just fine",
 feeling apologetic about their "wildness",  I finished the call...
afterward, chuckling to myself... thinking... wondering...
when I moved here, who would have thought
people would eventually come up the drive, just to see the flower beds...
never would  I have imagined  such a thing...
they weren't here...
now, people do and I'm left quietly smiling and thinking, YES, it worked...

Friday, August 8, 2014

Finally the moon!

there's been a lot of unsettled weather lately...
 my life forced into being an accountant for  lawyers
insistently demanding and searching for money that doesn't exist...
it's hers... it's hers... it's all hers, they say...
lots of clouds, rolling thunder, sporadic rain...
plenty of turbulence...
today was filled with sparkling sunshine and huge rolling clouds...
and now, tonight...
it's nice to see the moon...


walking toward the kiln...
waiting for butterflies...

Cup w/ Black Crackle

a nice example of my shino experiments... iron shino and black shino with an overfiring of white...
many layers in a couple of firings offers more depth and nuance in the surface... the black crackle lines are an example here... I'm beginning to doubt the myth of heavy reduction being necessary for shinos...
there are many ways around the bend...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014